My water cooler with a bottle on the top is leaking. What could be causing this?

This is the most common question we are asked. 99.9% of the time the leak is caused by a tiny hole the size of a pin prick in the bottle. A leak will not occur until the water level in the bottle gets below the tiny hole. To test this you can take the water bottle off the cooler leaving the refrigeration tank full. If the water doesn’t drain from the cooler, the problem is with your bottle.

Are Waterworks point of use and plumbed systems Watermark certified?

Yes, Waterworks ensure that all systems are compliant and certified. For a copy of our Watermark certificates please contact us.

How often should my water cooler be serviced?

This depends on the type of cooler, the location it is installed, whether it is filtered and how often it is used. As a general rule of thumb, coolers should be cleaned and sanitised at least 6 monthly. Waterworks have service procedures for our cooler range. Please contact us if you require a copy. If your system is filtered, please see the manufacturers’ specification on the filter for filter replacement requirements.

Can I buy directly from Waterworks?

Waterworks is a wholesale distributor of water coolers, dispensers and water related products. We distribute to Quality Water Specialists, Water Bottlers, Plumbers & Resellers.

If you are looking to purchase a Waterworks water cooler for personal use please email or call us, we can put you in contact with a professional agent in your area.

Are Waterworks water coolers reliable?

Waterworks remain exclusive distributors for some of the biggest and best water cooler manufacturers in the world. Our customers tell us many of the bottle and plumbed water coolers installed in the late 1990’s are still operational today. It is for this reason that Waterworks is number one for fleet and trade water cooler requirements.